Wednesday 2 February 2011

Me & Books

I love books. The earliest memories that I have of myself - is me in kindergarten trying to slowly read some sort of story tale. And I really like this memory, for its simplicity and warmth. I think I was the first one of my friends to sign up in a library by myself, not even asking my parents for help (yes I am very proud of myself) and since then libraries, as well as bookshops, became my second homes. I always felt better there than anywhere else (unless it’s a tea shop but about that I’ll tell you next time).

Books make me feel free and on top of the world, where I can experience so much more than in my real life. I am not complaining, not today... I found my personality through them or in better words I have shaped myself, understood who I want to and don’t want to be not only by observing the world and the people in front of me but through simply reading, reading and reading some more. I remember that once I started a list of books that I have read which I thought I would keep filling in all my life so that I would know what and how many books I have read. Well, that list was forgotten very quickly when I came to realise that the quantity doesn’t matter. What does matter is the quality of the book and what you learn from it. I feel sorry for some people who live through their life reading absolute rubbish and never picking up at least one ‘good’ book. (You judge what is the definition of a good book.)

Anyways, I like proclaiming my love of books time to time, just because I hope that someone would catch it too and so forth. To me:

Truly yours,
Tina Teaspoon.

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