Saturday 10 September 2011


You say that you are afraid. That all of this is too quick, too much, too scary.

Do you ever have doubts about all of it? Do you ever think of turning away? Why?

It is said that a man cannot be happy as happiness is the longing for repetition*. So now that you have acquired repetition you are not happy again?

I am here and I cannot do anything more. I just wait... Maybe one day you will be sure.

*Milan Kundera ‘The Unbearable lightness of being’


I like rainy Sundays when you are in no hurry, when the world exits only outside and there is no need to see anyone or to go anywhere.

I have my first cup of coffee in my bed. I can hear the raindrops quietly knocking on the window. I imagine that the whole city is having a lazy morning in a bed. Synchronised coffee drinking time.

At some point I decide to get out of bed. Another cup of coffee follows with a piece of toast. I sit in front of an open window and can smell the freshness that is only felt on those wonderful rainy summer days.

Total emptiness.

Only at these kind of moments one realise how happy life can be, no matter what. Time stops and only rain continuous. It is true, rain washes everything away so that you could start from a blank page again.