Saturday 18 June 2011

Which one?

"...making love with a woman and sleeping with a woman are two seperate passions, not merely different but opposite. Love does not make itself felt in the desire for copulation (a desire that extends to an infinite number of women) but in the desire for shared sleep (a desire limited to one woman)".*

So which woman I am, the one you want to sleep with or the one you want to sleep next to?

*Milan Kundera 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being'

Wednesday 15 June 2011

life ideas

Have you ever sat in one place for a long time and watched people going by? No one looks back at you, no one smiles, not even their eyes. You can sit and wait but there isn't a person who would stop and look smilingly back really meaning it or at least walk pass you with a smile. Why do people forget to smile? Are they all that very busy, unhappy, worried, etc?

Once I was asked, why do people have someone’s (or something’s) photo at their work desks? Why do they do it? My initial answer was - I don't know. But today I think I found the answer. I believe (or I want to believe) that they have them because one look at the picture makes them smile. A short glimpse makes their day worthwhile. Maybe it is their way to stop, think something nicely or acknowledge their happiness and smile. It can be as simple as that a picture represents an idea of some form of happiness. (Of course, you could take an opposite approach but who would want to have something that causes bad feelings? Well, maybe a villain.) We can be so caught up with life that we need a physical material to remind as why, for what reason.

So I say to you, keep something with yourself that would enlighten you. The idea of your life can be easily lost. Don’t let that happen. Remember, smile!

Friday 10 June 2011


Sometimes words do come out of me, like separate living creatures which you should never let out. They form this real shape and stand in the room, exposed to everyone who is around. And I hurt… I want them back inside me. But the words don’t care, they just stand - silent statues of my mind.
And now I am empty, exposed, hurt. The words of my mind please come back. I want to think again.