Tuesday 12 April 2011

Welcome inside me

Patience! Patience…- they all say to me and it resonates inside me. I’ve heard this before, I have told that to myself and still I lack of it. There’s this horrible notion of time passing by and you are still standing in the same spot, waiting. Patience! Why do you let cravings and fears dictate you when it’s you who should be in control? I need to learn to let go of my mind’s grand designs and live. It is so simple, isn’t it? I have always tried not to plan anything in my life but I now find myself considering why I am where I am. I compare myself to everyone around me even if I consciously tell myself not to do it because there is no point in that. I like myself and who I am so why do I need to see if I have achieved as many things as others have/have not achieved. They said that everything would come with time so just be patient… Patience is a virtue and it is one that I need to learn, unfortunately there are no courses to sign up to so that you could learn that quicker.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Lazy day

What do I want to do today? – Nothing. I want to hibernate in front of a TV set, watch silly movies and not think. Do you have those days when you sit at home and do nothing because if you try to do anything else your body protest with all its will. I do. Probably I have too many of them in my life but I have learned that trying to ignore my body’s commands is a lost battle so it’s just better to listen to what it is saying and do nothing. I am secretly hoping that something interesting would happen today which would take my laziness away but I shouldn’t put my hopes up. And I am afraid I might, just might be waiting for tomorrow to go to work. Nooooo! It’s the worst case of all, to look forward to a day’s work! Ok, maybe I do need to turn my thinking cap on cause at this rate I will soon be in work wishing for the day to end.

Right, I’ll have a shower just now and hope that by the time I’m out of the bathroom I will have some action plan ready.

Quite bored,
Tina Teaspoon